2018 UP UNTIL AUGUST 4th Saudavita,, The Re Institute, Millerton, NY (solo)
2018 Saudavita, Porto Franko, Ivano Frankivski, Ukraine (solo)
2016 America, 67 Gallery, New York (group)
2016 Un-Becoming, Fridman Gallery, New York (group)
2016 Peace Monuments, Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn New York (group)
2016 Nomada, Kielce Cemetert, Kielce Poland (group)
2015 Lifezone, Pointcenter Gallery, Cyprus (group)
2015 God Bless America, Foksal Foundation, Warsaw,Poland(group)
2014 Knockdown Center pop up, Queens, New York(solo)
2014 Wooster, Jeeves and the Judge, Tompkins Square Park (collaboration with Jay Hudson)
2014 Pantata Apiary, Colonia Sculpture Park (collaboration with Agata Schraeder and Rafal Zwirek)
2014 North Brother Island workshop, collaboration with Rafael Zwirek and Pawel Althamer, North Brother Island
2014 New Sculptures by Pawel Althamer & Collaborators, The New Museum, NY (group)
2014 The art of Brian Fernandes-Halloran, Noyes Arts Garage, Atlantic City, NJ (solo)
2013 Situational Junta, Bowery Poetry Club, NY, three nights of interactive sculpture and performance based on the question of creativity in contemporary cities. (group)
2013 Governors Island Art Fair, Governors Island, NY (group)
2013 NOT PAST: Old Toys and Lost Friends, 287 Spring Gallery and Performance Space, SOHO, NY (solo)
2013 GATES TO THE GARDEN: directions in sculpture, Fitness Center for Arts and Tactics, Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY (group)
2013 The Tugboat Neighborhood Show, The Tugboat Tea Company, Brooklyn, NY (group)
2013 Gentrification of the Mind, dual artist performance and installation as part of the Brooklyn Museum's program for Sarah Schulman, 287 Spring Street Gallery, NY
2012 CLOSE BY, Muse gallery, Philadelphia, PA (solo)
2012 Wall of Correspondence, the Peace & Quiet installation, Times Square, NY
2012 The Inkwell Cafe, Brooklyn, NY (Curator and artist)
2012 HomeBase LAB residency Final exhibition, Berlin Germany (group)
2011 The Neighorhood Show, Lefferts Gardens pop up space, Brooklyn, NY 2011, (group, organizer)
2011 Between Neighbors, Lefferts Gardens pop up space, Brooklyn, NY 2011 (solo)
2011 Patrons and Artist , Fruntrunner Gallery, Soho, NY (solo)
2009 Where We Are, at BIG MEDIUM gallery, Austin, TX (dual artist)
2009 East Austin Studio Tour at BIG MEDIUM (group)
2008 Yale Norfolk final exhibition
2008 Boston University senior thesis show (group)
2006 Familia Malouca, the Oso gallery Sao Paulo, Brazil (solo)
2016 Zakorzenienie. Nomada Art Camp, Kielce, 2016, Rafal Zwirek, Szum (link)
2014 When the Weather Gives You Snowmageddon, Make Art Snowmen, Benjamin Sutton, Hyperallergic (link)
2014 "Thinking About Art Practice and the Role of Compromise" author, Hyperallergic (link)
2014 "When a Pine Tree Falls in a Museum ..." author, Hyperallergic (link)
2014 "Your Guide to Finding Affordable Studio Space in NYC" author, Hyperallergic (link)
2013 "Gleaning the Fields of Memory to Create Form" Hyperallergic, by Sarah Walko (link)
2013 "Brian Fernandes-Halloran: Sculptural Memory" Frontrunner Magazine, interview by Edward Symes (link)
2013 "Riding North to Cabo Del Gado: Profile- Brian Fernandes-Halloran" Psychology Tomorrow, Benjamin Miller (link)
2012 "The Military is Present" Art News, covering the wall of correspondence, Peace & Quiet installation, by Robin Cembalest (link)
2011 "Art Amid the Downturn" The Wall Street Journal, review of Between Neighbors, by Bruce Bennett , October 20 (link)
2011 exhibition review; The Q at Parkside, review of Between Neighbors (link)
2011 "Art and us" PLOG, review by Seth Kaplan (link)
2010 Painterly vs. Precise: 20 artists, 20 studio visits" The Huffington Post, John Seed (link)
2009 "Here We Are", The Austin Chronicle, review by Wayne Allen Brenner, September 11 (link)
2009 "Top 9 Creative Arts, Ah, Things I Was Lucky Enough to Experience This Year" The Austin Chronicle, ranking by Wayne Allen Brenner (link)
Uziyel Collection, London, England, "Adeodatus"
NYU polytechnic campus, Brooklyn, NY, "Lolo"
David Sklar Collection, Queens, NY, "Saffron"
Iliya Fridman COllection, NY, NY "Will"
2014-present Bard College, MFA, Sculpture
2008 Yale University- Norfolk Summer Program
2004-2008 Boston University Boston, MA Bachelor in Fine Arts, Summa cum Laude
2006 University Sao Paulo , Brazil, Study Abroad in the University Fine Arts Program
2002-2003 Institute for International Cooperation and Development, Williamstown, MA,
portuguese professor
2014 The unofficial, two month Althamer Residency, Warsaw, Achen, Colonia, Zakopane etc.
2014 Black Rock Arts Foundation, grantee
2012 The Homebase LAB residency, Berlin
2011 The Puffin Foundation grant for the arts
2009 Yale Norfolk scholarship
2002 Merit scholarship, Boston University
2013-present Hyphen Hub, production manager
2011-present PLG Arts, Co-President
2005 Philadelphia Mural Arts Program Philadelphia, PA Mural arts assistant
2003-2004 ADPP Teacher Training College Nhamatanda, Mozambique Art Teacher, Project
Organizer, Mural Painter